The Global Trade Specialists Team – EMO 2019
This year we at Global Trade Specialists, Inc. had the opportunity to exhibit at the EMO (Exposition Mondiale de la Machine-Outil, or Global Exposition of the Machine Tool) show in Hanover, Germany. As the world’s largest metalworking show, there was a lot of opportunity to network and see some amazing pieces of machinery.
Metalworking Displays
The show featured an extensive variety of manufacturing specialists, from fields including additive manufacturing, machining, casting, forging, and fabrication and spanned more than 15 Buildings.
With the impressive displays, friendly people, and opportunity for business, it was a worthwhile venture. We found many people were open to the idea of manufacturing and trading internationally.
Our European office’s website in German is www.global-china-sourcing.com, and our new Italian site can be found at reperiredallacina.it/. Additionally, if you wish to learn more about EMO Hanover, please visit their website at https://www.emo-hannover.de/home.
Remarkable Exhibits
Below are featured some of the remarkable exhibits that we were able to view.